All of our world is but a dance of energies. Your material biological body is but a holographic expression of light created within an invisible matrix of subtle energy that is as of yet unknown to science, but has often been suspected and called the etheric body. This Matrix is part of the real ether of our universe. The One Himself acts as the central operational command and control center of all Creations connected to our Matrix, our DNA, and all life. For instance, even though the DNA stores the hardware program of biology, the software instruction sets are part of an as-of-now, unknown, informational Matrix that operates upon us from within the realm of Vibratory light. This is a domain that science will soon explore. You are but holographic expressions of the Father… Sons of his essence… His Being.
Real power comes from within oneself, never from without, or it is the power of the One, the power of the ultimate Creator of reality, the ultimate energy of the Universe. The deeper you find yourself within the exploration of your inner Kingdom, the closer you get to the level of the One Mind and therefore the more energized your thoughts become because they are getting closer to His awareness. And then you, as the One Father, pay, therefore, more highly energized attention to your conscious thoughts and reverberate more faithfully their reality to you and your world. Which is equivalent to saying that you, at your lower level of conscious awareness, are becoming closer to the awareness of being the One and projecting, at the same time, all of reality to yourself. The key is to become more aware of being The One – to focus all of your attention on that notion – on the notion that you, all others, and your entire universe, are the One Himself – The Father within. This is accomplished by focusing on your inner realm of the Over Self that always IS, eternally so. This is the Key to the ultimate power. This is the Key to powerfully Remote Influence Thought and therefore Reality – the Key to the One – your Key to the Garden and to eternity.This is your birthright, all of you, as the One. This is the Divine Key that is given to every single consciousness that is part of the One and therefore connected to the One. This is the real meaning of the often misconstrued message given long ago, “I and my Father are One, but my Father is Greater than I”. The “I”, as your sense of self, your conscious linear awareness, is but identical to and an extension of your subconscious parallel thought processes, “I as of myself can do nothing”. The slow-paced, restricted, linear intellect that we all so cherish and is often such a source of human vanity is but a small, infinitesimal portion of the infinite, pure-thought processes of the Father that we all carry. Nevertheless, the Father, the One, as the sum and Source of all possible awareness, is by far greater than your conscious, linear sense of self. The subconscious realm of the Father is infinitely greater than the linear parts that make and define you. The subconscious Mind is what man is while the conscious Mind is only what man knows.